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January, 2011

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Ag and the Tax Relief Act of 2010 – Key Changes for Farmers and Ranchers

Monday, January 24th, 2011

All webinars are scheduled to begin at:
12:00 Eastern/11:00 Central/10:00 Mountain/9:00 Pacific

The Tax Relief Act of 2010 has a number of changes to the tax code important to agricultural producers. In this Ag in Uncertain Times webinar, we will be discussing the key changes in the new Tax Law and how they affect agricultural producers. Many of the changes will have a direct impact on depreciation and expensing options available to businesses. The discussion will be useful for all sizes and types of farms and ranches.

Monday, February 7, 2011
We will hear from two, very knowledgeable presenters:
   Gary J. Hoff, Extension Specialist – Taxation, at the University of Illinois, will be providing an overview of the various changes relevant to agricultural producers.

   Dr. Ruby Ward from the Department of Applied Economics at Utah State University will take a closer look at the special depreciation rule which allows 100% of the cost of new assets to be expensed in the year purchased and how the election of this option could affect the operations depreciation and cash flow.

• Login Information, Ag and The Tax Relief Act of 2010, Web Seminar:
• To join the seminar, click on the following link or copy and paste this web address into your browser:

Or email westrme@wsu.edu and ask to be added to our Webinar only email list.

Upcoming Spanish Language Webinars:
Look for information soon about Spanish language Volatility and Fresh Markets web seminars, coming on February 28 and March 7.